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The Bethel ARP Church Cemetery
 Winnsboro, South Carolina
 Garden Fairfield & Vanderhorst Streets
Satellite Photo

Alphabetical Listing

  1. Barkley, Hugh
  2. Beaty, Margaret (wife of Rev. Thomas Ketchin)
  3. Beaty, Nancy (wife of Robert Cathcart)
  4. Black, Margaret Anne (wife of James McKinney Elliott)
  5. Blain, Margaret R.
  6. Blain, Sarah Lucinda (wife of Charles Cathcart)
  7. Brice, Elizabeth (wife of Francis Elder)
  8. Brice, Martha Simonton (wife of Dr. Thomas Barkley Madden)
  9. Buchanan, Rachel (wife of John McMaster)
  10. Cathcart, Carolaw R.
  11. Cathcart, Andrew Blain
  12. Cathcart, Andrew Melville
  13. Cathcart, Andrew Walker
  14. Cathcart, Catherine Grier
  15. Cathcart, Charles  
  16. Cathcart, Charles Erving
  17. Cathcart, Ella Shaw (wife of Henry Elliot Ketchin)
  18. Cathcart, Ellen
  19. Cathcart, Emma Louise
  20. Cathcart, George Hume
  21. Cathcart,  George Shell
  22. Cathcart, Infant Son (of John Harris and Elizabeth Coan Cathcart) 
  23. Cathcart, James Erving
  24. Cathcart, James Foster
  25. Cathcart, James, Sr.
  26. Cathcart, Jane (wife of Campbell Madden)
  27. Cathcart, Jean Shell
  28. Cathcart, John H. (Infant son of John Huey and Nancy Madden Cathcart)
  1. Cathcart, John Harper
  2. Cathcart, John Huey (b. C 1826, m. Nancy Madden)
  3. Cathcart, John Huey (1865-1939)
  4. Cathcart, John Staveley
  5. Cathcart, John Sterling
  6. Cathcart, John Wallace (1870-1940, "Irish John")
  7. Cathcart, John Wallace, MD (1918-1945, KIA WWII)
  8. Cathcart, John Wallace, III (1943-1992)
  9. Cathcart, Joseph Griffin
  10. Cathcart, Joseph Ketchin
  11. Cathcart, Mary Jane
  12. Cathcart, Mittie Izetta
  13. Cathcart, Nancy (daughter of James, Sr.)
  14. Cathcart, Nancy (wife of James, Sr., maiden name unknown)
  15. Cathcart, Nancy Isabelle (widow of William T. Crawford and later wife of Dr. Thomas B. Madden)
  16. Cathcart, Richard
  17. Cathcart, Robert
  18. Cathcart, Robert Elder
  19. Cathcart, Robert J
  20. Cathcart, Sabritt Dunn
  21. Cathcart, Samuel, Jr. 
  22. Cathcart, Samuel C. 
  23. Cathcart, Samuel K.
  24. Cathcart, Sarah Elizabeth
  25. Cathcart, Thomas Barkley Madden
  26. Cathcart, William, Dr.
  27. Cathcart, William Doty
  28. Cathcart, William H.
  29. Clowney, Mary E.
  30. Crawford, Sumter B.


  1. Doty, Ella Belle Barkley (wife of Samuel Craig Cathcart, Sr.)
  2. Elder, Anna (wife of Samuel Cathcart)
  3. Elder, Eliza 
  4. Elder, Francis
  5. Elder, Jane (wife of Robert Cathcart)
  6. Elder, Margaret
  7. Elder, Margaret Jane (wife of James Warnock Shaw)
  8. Elder, Mrs. Mary
  9. Elliott, Boyce
  10. Elliott, Elizabeth W.
  11. Elliot, Henry Laurens, Sr.
  12. Elliott, James McKinney
  13. Elliott, James McKinnie
  14. Elliott, William Julian
  15. Ellis, Emma (wife of Andrew Blain Cathcart)
  16. Estes, Isabel Cathryn (wife of Sabritt Dunn Cathcart)
  17. Evans, Minnie Lee Evans (wife of William Julian Elliott)
  18. Foster, Margaret (wife of John Sterling Cathcart)
  19. Harris, Marion "Mattie" (wife of John Huey Cathcart)
  20. Huey, Ellen (wife of Richard Cathcart)
  21. Ketchin, George McMaster, II
  22. Ketchin, Henry Elliott
  23. Ketchin, Margaret Jane
  24. Ketchin, Mary Warnock
  25. Ketchin, Robert Todd
  26. Ketchin, Thomas Hoge, Sr.
  27. Ketchin, Thomas Hodge, Jr. (son of TH and ME Shaw Ketchin)
  28. Ketchin, Thomas Hoge, Jr. (son of TH and MF McMaster Ketchin)
  1. Ketchin, Tirzah (wife of Samuel C. Cathcart)
  2. Ketchin, Tirzah Christine (wife of Henry Laurens Elliott, Sr.)
  3. Lemmon, Montgomery
  4. Lemmon, Sue (wife of James Erving Cathcart)
  5. Madden, Campbell Rev.
  6. Madden, Mary J.  (wife of  John Elliot Matthews)
  7. Madden, Mary Ann
  8. Madden, Mary J.
  9. Madden, Nancy
  10. Madden, Robert Brice
  11. Madden, Thomas Barkley, MD
  12. Matthews, Isabelle Cathcart
  13. Matthews, Mary Elliot
  14. McLaughlin, Ruth (wife of Andrew Melville Cathcart)
  15. McMaster, Hugh
  16. McMaster, Infant Daughter
  17. McMaster, James Riley
  18. McMaster, John (husband of Rachel Buchanan)
  19. McMaster, John Creighton
  20. McMaster, Margaret Elizabeth
  21. McMaster, Mary Flenniken (wife of Thomas H. Ketchin, Sr.)
  22. Nelson, Margaret E.  (wife of James Cathcart, Jr.)
  23. Sease, Rosabel Kate (wife of T. B. M. Cathcart)
  24. Shaw, Henrietta (wife of Francis Elder)
  25. Shaw, James Warnock
  26. Shaw, Mary Elder (wife of Thomas Hoge Ketchin, Sr.)
  27. Shell, Carrie (wife of Sumter B. Crawford)
  28. Shell, Nan (wife of John Wallace Cathcart)
  29. Whiteside, Perry Dunlap (wife of Joseph Ketchin Cathcart)


Click on the small thumbnail photos (where available) for a larger image.

Note: Our methodology is a bit hap-hazard.  Eventually, we will include photos of more graves and list the gravesites in the same order as their location within the cemetery.  For now, we have skipped about the cemetery looking for graves of interest.  There were also five of us writing down information -- our methods were each a bit different.



Margaret [Beaty] Ketchin

Inscription: Sacred to the Memory of
Margaret Ketchin
Widow of 
Rev. Thomas Ketchin 
Who was born on the
30th of June 1791 - 
Died on 23rd of March 1866





James & Nancy Cathcart, Sr.

Inscription: SACRED to the Memory of
James Cathcart, Senr.
who died March 8, 1851 
Aged about 88 years.  
He immigrated from County Antrim, Ireland in the year 1816.  He was a strict and conscientious member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church.  He was also well acquainted with the principles of our holy religion and deeply versant in the history of the church.  Through a long life, he merited and enjoyed the esteem of all who knew him.  He was beloved by his family, teaching them by example as well as precept, their duty to God and man.  His was indeed a life of faith, and his death that of the righteous.


Note:  James Cathcart, Sr. had three brothers: Samuel, Sr.; John, and Matthew.   Samuel was buried County Antrim.  Many of Samuel Sr.'s descendants also settled in the Winnsboro area. Samuel's son (James, Sr.'s nephew) Samuel, Jr. is also buried in this cemetery.

SACRED to the memory of Nancy Cathcart
Wife of James Cathcart, Senr. 
who departed this life June 4, 1845 in the 79th year of her age.

Tried in much [raging seas ?] her life she pass'd.
By faith supported through each stormy blast;
Above the [world ?] she lived, on food divine,
And sought the bliss where she shall ever shine.
Her hope upon the rock of ages fixed,
shall reach enjoyment that shall not be mixed
Her joy to worldly men unknown shall stay,
To cheer her forward through immortal day,
Sated with days, she to the tomb went down,
That she might rise, and get the heavenly crown.
She lived to bless her children's children dear
In teaching them how they the Lord should fear
She leaves them now on the good hand of God,
That He may guide them safely on the road.
Her aged partner follows in her track.
She still proceeds unwilling to draw back.
Till she attains her father's house above
There to enjoy the fulness [sic] of his love.


We do not know Nancy's maiden name.  Would LOVE to hear from anyone who may know!














1. John Cathcart & Mary Harper


  1. Nancy Cathcart (b: Abt. 1813 d: August 29, 1893)
  2. James G. Cathcart (b: 1815 d: January 07, 1889.  James' son, John Harper Cathcart is buried in the ARP cemetery.  He died before the family left for Illinois.)
  3. Mary Ann Cathcart (b: April 01, 1819 d: September 04, 1884)
  4. William John Stavely Cathcart (b: January 20, 1823 d: July 29, 1901)
  5. Margaret G. Cathcart (b: March 20, 1825 d: January 10, 1917)
  6. Richard Cathcart (b: March 20, 1827 d: February 06, 1879)
  7. Robert Beattie Cathcart (b: October 02, 1820 d: February 06, 1900)
  8. Ellen Cathcart (b: 1829 )
  9. Charles Madden Cathcart (b: September 01, 1835 d: June 08, 1913)


moved to Randolph County Illinois and are buried there

2. Robert Cathcart

-  & Nancy Beaty (first wife, see Jane Elder below)

Robert Cathcart
Who departed this life on Oct 1st, 1847.  Age about 56 years.  Kind husband and affectionate, decent and warm friend.  Family and community feel his loss.

Photo | Parents

Nancy Beaty Cathcart

to the Memory of
Nancy Cathcart
Wife of Robert Cathcart - Who died November 6th, 1840 aged about 40 years
Leaving a Husband, Son, and Daughter and many relatives and friends to mourn after her.


  1. Mary Jane Cathcart

    to the memory of
    Mary Jane Cathcart,
    daughter of Robert and Nancy Cathcart who departed from this life on the 14th of March, 1836 aged four years and two months.
    This afflicting providence brings to their bereaved hearts the glorious consolation to know that of such is the kingdom of heaven and teaches the usefull [sic] lesson to the afflicted parents to follow her.



  2. John Staveley Cathcart 

    Born Mar. 8, 1834 Died Apr. 13, 1892 
    Not my will but thy will be done


  3. Nancy Isabelle Cathcart

    Widow of Wm. T. Crawford
    afterwards Wife of Thomas B. Madden
    Dec 1, 1837 - May 26, 1915


    1. William T. Crawford, Jr.

    2. Sumter B. Crawford

    3. Richard T. Crawford


- & Jane [Elder] Cathcart (second wife)

IN Memory of JANE.
Wife of Robert Cathcart
BORN In County Antrim, Ireland.  Emigrated to this Country about the year 1818
DIED July 31, 1878 Aged 87 Years


(second wife, no children)







3. Richard Cathcart 

Died August 15th, 1870, Aged 78[?] years



4.  James Cathcart, Jr.

 (Buried in Columbia)| Parents

  1. Margaret Gray McCreight
    (First wife, buried in Sion Cemetery)
    Footstone: MEC
  2. Elizabeth Marion Moore
     (Second wife, buried in Moore burying grounds)

1.  Robert J Cathcart

Robt. J. Cathcart -
Born Apr 21, 1833,
Died Jul 10, 1861 
footstone: RJC

2.  Eliza Jane Robertson Cathcart

buried Moore Burying Grounds

  1. Margaret E. Nelson (Third wife)
    Sacred to the Memory of  Margaret E. Cathcart Wife of James Cathcart Jr.  Who died August 23d, 1840 Aged about 24 years.  Leaving a child not 3 months old and a husband and many relatives to lament her early decease.
  2. Ann Carol (Fourth wife)





5. Nancy Cathcart

Died Nov 29, 1879  Age 80 years

Photo | Parents

(Never married)



6. Charles Cathcart & Sarah Lucinda Blain

Charles Cathcart 
Born in County Antrim, Ireland 1805
Died May 30, 1873

Sarah L. Blain
Wife Charles Cathcart
Born Feb 7, 1832
Died Nov. 11, 1905

Photo| Parents


  1. James Erving Cathcart
  2. Andrew Blain Cathcart
  3. Charles Erving Cathcart, Sr.
  4. John Sterling Cathcart
  5. Thomas Barkley Madden Cathcart

7. Jane Cathcart & Campbell Madden

(see Campbell Madden below)



8. Dr. William Cathcart

SACRED to the memory of
Dr. William Cathcart
who departed this life Aug 22nd, 1840 
Aged about 30 years.  
He left an aged father and mother and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his death.

Photo | Parents




Campbell Madden & Jane Cathcart

Inscription: Sacred to the Memory of
Rev. C. Madden
who departed this life August 12, 1828 aged 33 years.
Insatiable death ... none
To thy vast Kingdom all  must come
Didst thou regard the widow's tears
The orphans helpless ... years
Didst thou ... mind
Formed ... mankind
Didst thou
By grace refined his GOD...
Didst thou ... mount Sion's [peace]
Her cries to GOD for gospel grace
... MADDEN had with us remained
And ... and ... [preordained]
What...                          was his

Him to his Father's house didst send,
Where he will sing to endless days
The triumph and the Savior's praise
His family, his flock, his friends
To Heavenly grace he did commend
In the chief Shepherd's Land they ..
As long as they do live by faith

Photo 1|Photo 2|Photo 3


Jane Cathcart Madden

In Memory of Jane Madden
wife of
Rev. Campbell Madden
Died Sept. 19, 1887
Aged 81 Years
In thee O Lord, have I put my trust

Photo | Parents

















1.  Mary Ann Madden

Mary Ann Madden
who departed this life Oct 30, 1854 in the 30th year of her age.  She leaves a mother, sister, brother, and many relatives to mourn her loss.  Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from hereforth.

2.  Dr. Thomas Barkley Madden, MD


see below

3.  Nancy Madden






John Huey Cathcart & Nancy Madden

In Memory of John H[uey]. & Nancy Madden Cathcart and Family




John H. Cathcart

Inscription: In Memory of John H. infant son of Jno. H & Nancy Cathcart. Born April 5th, and Died Aug. 25th, 1864. "He shall gather the lambs with his arms and carry them in his bosom."  "The promise is unto you and to your children."




Ellen Huey

Inscription: Wife of Richard Cathcart - Born Sept 22, 1821, County Antrim, Ireland - Died May 25, 1910 -   "Like as a shock of corn cometh in his season."




William H. Cathcart

Inscription: In Memory of Willie H. Cathcart  Who Died December 11th 1875 Aged 26 years 3 months and 27 days.  "Even so Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight."




George H[ume] Cathcart

Inscription: In Memory of George H. Cathcart - Born in County Antrim, Ireland, January 30th 1813.  Died in Columbia, So Ca, June 25th 1859.  Aged 46 Years, 4 Months and 26 Days




James Erving Cathcart & Sue Lemmon

Inscription: At Rest
James E. Cathcart
Born Sept. 4, 1860, Died Jan. 13, 1917

Photo | Parents

Sue Lemmon Cathcart
Wife of Jas. E. Cathcart
Aug. 8 1862 - April 25, 1920 
"Safe in the arms of Jesus"






Infant Son Cathcart



Infant son of John Harris and Elizabeth [Coan] Cathcart
Sept. 13, 1930 - Sept 15, 1930




Samuel Cathcart & Anna Elder

Inscription: Samuel Cathcart
Jan 19, 1825 - Mar 17, 1917

Anna Elder Cathcart
May 19, 1832 - June 5, 1919

Photo (both)



1.  Robert Elder Cathcart

In Memory of Robert Elder Cathcart, son of Sam and Anna Cathcart
Sept. 1862 - May 4, 1877


2.  John Huey Cathcart

& Marion "Mattie" Harris

John Huey Cathcart
Oct. 2, 1865 - Sept. 26, 1939
Photo |Parents

Mattie Harris Cathcart
Oct 18 1870 - Sept 15 1961

3. Ella Shaw Cathcart (Ketchin)

Ella Cathcart Ketchin
wife of
Henry Elliot Ketchin
May 16, 1868  January 25, 1963
Devoted and Beloved Wife and Mother


Henry Elliot Ketchin
April 23, 1860
October 29, 1948
Lover of God
Friend of Man
Student of Nature


s/o Robert Simpson Ketchin, Sr.





John Wallace Cathcart & Nan Shell  

Inscription: John Wallace Cathcart
Nov. 3, 1870 - Aug 13, 1940


Nan Shell Cathcart
June 24, 1877 - April 25, 1963

JohnWC.jpg (218451 bytes)

NanShellC.jpg (231312 bytes)




George Shell[Cathcart]

Son of  N.S. & J.W. Cathcart
Nov 23, 1905 - Mar. 19, 1907

Jean Shell [Cathcart]

Daughter of  N.S. & J.W. Cathcart
March 14, 1908 - July 20, 1909

 Jean_GeorgeShell_of_JohnW_Nan.jpg (236369 bytes)


John Wallace Cathcart, III

Inscription: Son of Sabritt and Cathryn Cathcart
June 1, 1943 - Died Dec. 24, 1992
JohnWallaceCIII.jpg (104826 bytes)


William Doty Cathcart

Inscription: Sept. 11, 1904 - Feb. 15, 1968 WilliamDotyC.jpg (75459 bytes)


Sabritt Dunn Cathcart

Inscription: April 8, 1903 - June 3, 1967 SabrittDunnC.jpg (91354 bytes)


Isabel Cathryn Estes (Cathcart)

(wife of Sabritt Dunn Cathcart)
Inscription: November 11, 1906 - May 20, 1997 CathrynEstesC.jpg (91324 bytes)


Catherine Grier Cathcart

(daughter of Andrew Melville and Ruth McLaughlin Cathcart)
Inscription: November 7, 1929 - September 4, 1994 CatherineGrierC.jpg (102423 bytes)


Ruth [Grier] McLaughlin Cathcart

(wife of Andrew Melville Cathcart)
Inscription: November 5, 1900 - October 2, 1976 RuthMcLaughlinC.jpg (84599 bytes)


Andrew Melville Cathcart

Inscription: March 5, 1898 - March 5, 1960 AndrewMelvilleC.jpg (96875 bytes)


Emma Louise Cathcart

(daughter of Andrew Melville and Ruth McLaughlin Cathcart)
Inscription: April 12, 1934 - August 15, 1941 EmmaLouiseC.jpg (82409 bytes)


Thomas Hoge Ketchin, Sr.

Inscription: Thomas Hoge Ketchin
July 27, 1856
October 3, 1922
He was unmoved by flattery, unawed by opinion; undismayed by disaster.  He faced life with courage and death with Christian faith.


Mary Elder Shaw

Inscription: Mary Shaw
wife of
T. H. Ketchin
born February 1, 1858
died August 29, 1900

1st wife of Thomas H. Ketchin, Sr.



Mary Warnock Ketchin
Robert Todd Ketchin

Inscription: T.H. & M.E. Ketchin
Mary Warnock
Died Aug. 28, 1881
aged 11 months

Robert Todd
Died Sept. 8, 1881
Aged 29 Yrs. 21 Dys


First two children of Thomas H. & Mary Elder Shaw Ketchin, Sr.




Margaret Jane Ketchin

Inscription: Margaret Jane
daughter of
Thomas H. Ketchin
Mary Shaw Ketchin
January 30, 1885
December 7, 1941

Third child of Thomas H. & Mary Elder Shaw Ketchin, Sr.



Thomas H[oge] Ketchin,[Jr.]

Inscription: Son of T. H. & M. E. Ketchin
Born Mch. 7, 1892
died Sept. 12, 1897
Who plucked that flower?
The Master


Mary Flenniken McMaster

Inscription: Mary McMaster
wife of Thomas H. Ketchin
daughter of 
Mary Flenniken &
George H. McMaster
July 29, 1873
June 20, 1963

2nd wife of Thomas H. Ketchin, Sr.



Thomas H[oge] Ketchin,[Jr.]

Inscription: Son of Thomas H[oge] and Mary [Flenniken] McMaster Ketchin
Jan 29, 1910 - Jul 8, 1956


Fitz Hugh McMaster

Inscription: Fitz Hugh McMaster
son of
TH & M McM Ketchin
Feb. 4, 1912
May 26, 1913


George McMaster Ketchin, II

Inscription: Son of Thomas Hodge Ketchin, Jr. and Marion Johnson Ketchin
Jan 24, 1951 - Dec 27, 1998


Montgomery Lemmon

Inscription: SACRED
to the memory of
Montgomery Lemmon
A native of Tallyard
Parish of Drumbo
County Down, Ireland
He emigrated to this country November 10th 1813 and departed this life August 23rd 1849...
Born in Drumbo, Ireland, August 5, 1814, Died in Winnsboro, SC, August 23, 1849


need better photo!



Mary J. Madden

Inscription: Wife of John Elliot Matthews
Apr 6, 1870 - Apr 27, 1910
 Mary's Grave


Mary Elliot [Matthews]

 Daughter of John Elliot & Mary J. Madden Matthews
Inscription: Daughter of JE & MM Matthews
Oct 27, 1905 - June 22, 1906
 Mary's Grave


Isabelle Cathcart [Matthews]

Daughter of John Elliot & Mary J. Madden Matthews
Inscription: Daughter of JE & MM Matthews
Oct 30, 1901 - Aug 26, 1905
 Isabelle's Grave


Hugh McMaster

Inscription: Continental Line Rev War 1754 - 1787




John Creighton McMaster

Inscription: In memory of 
John C. McMaster
who departed this life March 3rd 1835 aged 17 years and 5 months.
Endowed by his Creator with a strong intellect which he had assiduously cultivated.  He gave high promise of future eminence and usefulness.  In the grief of his relatives and friends at his early removal is alleviated by the confident hope that he is a [gainer] by the exchange of worlds; that in the great day of final account, he will be found among the redeemed who will glorify the mercy of God thro' the Lamb forever.  Blessed are the dead who die in the LORD.

Photo Footstone: J C McM



John McMaster

Inscription: Mors Sanua Vitae
John McMaster
Born in County Antrim, Ireland 9th of July 1787, died at Winnsboro 2nd Sept. 1864
He was a soldier in the war of 1812. Post Master for 40 years at this place.  For near 60 years a Merchant and Innkeeper.  As a citizen he was respected for his uncommon moral courage and great probity of Character.  As husband, father and friend he was beloved for his many virtues.  In early youth he espoused the cause of his Redeemer and manifested throughout life and in death unshaken faith in the promises of the Gospel.




Rachel Buchanan 

Inscription: Rachel Buchanan McMaster
(Relict of John McMaster)
who died 9th of June 1853, aged 89 years, 3 m. 18 days.  
Blessed with superior intellect, strong will and high culture, she adorned a long life with Christian graces... honored and admired.
A devout woman and... feared God with all her... which gave much alms to the people and prayed to God [always]." 




Infant Daughter McMaster

Inscription: In Memory of
the Infant Daughter of J & R McMaster
who was born Oct 3rd and died the 9th 1830




Dr. James Riley McMaster

Inscription: Born Feb. 21, 1822
Died Aug. 20, 1894



Margaret Elizabeth McMaster
daughter of Dr. & Mrs. J. R. McMaster
Born May 3, 1860
Died Jan. 27, 1987




Thomas Barkley Madden, MD & Martha Simonton Brice

Inscription: Thomas Barkley Madden, MD
1826 - 1897
Resting in hope of a glorious resurrection

Martha Simonton Brice
In Memory of Martha S. Wife of Thos B. Madden
Born Nov 12, 1841 
Died Aug 19, 1878
"Blessed are the Dead which die in the Lord"
Martha's Grave


1.  Mary J. Madden

Mary Madden
wife of
John Elliot Matthews
April 6, 1870
April 27, 1916


2.  Cambell William Madden

3.  Thomas Barkley Madden, Jr.

4.  Robert Brice Madden

Robert, infant son of TB & MS Madden
Died Sep 12th 1878, Aged 10 months, 18 days

Robert's Grave





Andrew Blain Cathcart & Emma Ellis

Inscription: Andrew Blain Cathcart
Dec. 4, 1862 - Mar. 1, 1925

Photo | Parents

Emma Ellis Cathcart
Sept. 25, 1873 - Sept. 6, 1953




Thomas Barkley Madden Cathcart & Rosabel Kate Sease

Inscription: Born July 24, 1870
Died Sept. 3, 1924
At Rest
Photo |Parents

Wife of TBM Cathcart
1865 - 1903
At Rest





Mittie Izetta Cathcart

Inscription: DAUGHTER
Mittie I. Cathcart
1896 - 1947


John Wallace Cathcart, MD

Inscription: Jan 31 1918 - May 3 1945
Capt 1st Btn, 21st Inf Reg 214 Div
Killed near Mintal, Mindanao, PI


Samuel K. Cathcart

Inscription: May 10 1910 - Nov 26, 1943  


Ella B. Doty

Inscription: Ella B. Doty.  Wife of SamL C. Cathcart
Born July 20, 1867 - Died Sept. 30, 1904
  Tall marker with anchor near top  


Joseph Griffin Cathcart

Inscription: Joseph Griffin Infant son of Ellen Griffin and William D. Cathcart
May 3 -May 16, 1943
JosephGriffithCathcart.jpg (256973 bytes)


Charles Erving & Mary [Elizabeth Clowney] Cathcart

Inscription: FATHER
Charles E. Cathcart
Aug 30, 1865 - Mar 30, 1933
Mary C. Cathcart
Aug 18, 1865 - July 27, 1935

Photo both gravestones | Parents





Mrs. Mary Elder

Inscription: SACRED to the memory of
Mrs. Mary Elder
Late of the County Antrim, Ireland.
Who died on the 9th day of October 1827 in the 73rd year of her age.  She maintained throughout a long life a reputation unblemished: performing with prudence the various duties of a wife & with tenderness those of a mother: her kindness and urbanity will long live in the memory of her... [the rest is underground] 
MaryElder.jpg (163140 bytes)


Elizabeth "Eliza" Elder

Inscription: Eliza Elder
Born in County Antrim, Ireland
Mar. 10, 1820
Died in Winnsboro, S.C.
June 22, 1894


James Warnock & Margaret J. Elder Shaw

Inscription: In Memory of
James Warnock Shaw
who was born in the County of Down, Ireland
Dec. 29, 1829
He emigrated to this county in 1839 and departed this life 
Aug. 3, 1858
Aged 28 years and 7 months.
As a friend he was constant and as a citizen energetic and public spirited as a husband and father kind and affectionate.

Margaret J. Shaw
Born March 7, 1830
Died August 6, 1884

James' Grave







Margaret's Grave  wife of James Warnock Shaw



Francis & Elizabeth Brice Elder

Inscription: Francis Elder
Born Oct. 12, 1824
Died July 17, 1906

and his wife
Elizabeth Brice
Born Sept. 14, 1833
Died July 17, 1912




Henrietta Shaw

Sacred to the Memory of
Henrietta Elder
Wife of F. Elder
departed this life Oct. 2nd 1865
Aged about 34 years.


Margaret Elder

daughter of Francis
Henrietta Shaw Elder
February 28, 1861
March 1, 1917


Infant Daughter Shaw

Sacred to the Memory of
an Infant Daughter of F. an H. Elder departed this life Sept. [30]th 1862
Aged [11] Days



Samuel C. Cathcart & Tirzah Ketchin

Inscription: Samuel C. Cathcart
Born in County Antrim Ireland Sept. 3, 1862
Died in Winnsboro, SC Mar. 23, 1930
Tirzah Ketchin
Wife of Samuel C. Cathcart
Feb. 11, 1879 -- May 14, 1942
SamuelCC_TirzahKetchin.jpg (206959 bytes)


John Sterling Cathcart & Margaret E. Foster

Inscription: John S. Cathcart
FEB 12, 1868 - MAY 29, 1947

Photo | Parents

Margaret Foster Cathcart
September 24, 1870 - February 25, 1958







James Foster [Cathcart]

James Foster,
Infant son of
John S. & Maggie F. Cathcart
Born Mar. 23, 1891.
Died July 7, 1891

Sarah Elizabeth Cathcart

Sarah Elizabeth Cathcart
July 1, 1895 - October 31, 1983

Ellen [Cathcart]

In Loving Memory of
Our little daughter
Sep. 11, 1899 - Feb. 5, 1910
The purest, brightest spirits are for the Master's company
"Of such is the kingdom of heaven."
J. S. & M. F. [John Sterling & Maggie Foster] Cathcart

JamesFosterC.jpg (81152 bytes)

CathcartSarahE.jpg (22188 bytes)

EllenC.jpg (89219 bytes)



Joe [Joseph] Ketchin Cathcart & Perry Dunlap Whiteside

Inscription: Cathcart
Joe Ketchin Cathcart
son of Samuel C. and Tirzah Ketchin Cathcart
Perry Dunlap Whiteside
daughter of Albert Newton and Susie Dunlap Whiteside
July 20, 1938
Faith Hope Love
CathcartJoeKetchin2.jpg (15793 bytes)
  Joe Ketchin Cathcart
World War II
Feb 10 1913  Dec 11 1998
  CathcartJoeKetchin.jpg (17929 bytes)





John H[arper] Cathcart

Inscription: Sacred to the memory of
John H. Cathcart
Son of James G. and Ellen J. Cathcart
who departed this life the 27th of  August 1847, aged 10 months and 21 days.
CathcartJohnH.jpg (37913 bytes)Son of James G. and Ellen Janet Ketchin Cathcart.  He died just before his family left Winnsboro for Randolph County, Illinois


Henry Laurens & Tirzah Christine Ketchin Elliot, Sr.

Inscription: Henry L. Elliot
December 07, 1817
April 30, 1897

Tirzah C. Elliot
October 11, 1833
August 30, 1917

Henry's Grave
Tirzah's Grave


James McKinney Elliott and Margaret Anne Black

Inscription: James McKinney Elliott
Dec. 28, 1809
Jan. 31, 1896

Margaret Anne Elliott
Wife of the late
James M. Elliott
Born in County Antrim, Ireland
May 28, 1834
Died in Winnsboro, SC
Dec. 31, 1907
Fearing nothing in life, she died as bravely as she had lived.

Photo of both graves



William Julian Elliott & Minnie Lee Evans

Inscription: William Julian Elliott
son of Margaret Anne Black and James McKiney Elliott
Born Winnsboro, SC Jan. 25, 1858
died Columbia, SC Sept. 13, 1929

Minnie Lee Evans
wife of William Julian Elliott
daughter of Mary Martin and John Winn Evans
Born Monticello, SC Jan. 6, 1865
Died Columbia, SC Oct. 24, 1923

Photo of both graves



James McKinnie Elliott

Inscription: James McKinnie
son of
J. M. and M. A. Elliott
Nov. 21, 1862
Dec 7, 1903
He was a believer in God and a devoted son.  A calm and peaceful citizen.  A kind, just and true friend.




Elizabeth W. Elliott

Inscription: Elizabeth W. Elliott
Nov. 9, 1842
Sept. 5, 1917


may be wife of James McKinnie above



Boyce Elliott

Inscription: To the Memory of
Boyce Elliott
Youngest son of the late
J. M. & M. A. Elliott
Born in Winnsboro, SC
Dec. 24, 1874
died in Philadelphia, PA
Mar. 25, 1911




Entries from an LDS survey from 1950-1951
by Mrs. Hasty McGahee and members of the LDS Mission



(? Carolaw ) R. [Cathcart],


Inscription: child of George H. and M. D. Cathcart, d. 1843, aged 2 years., 1 mo., 14 days  


Andrew Walker Cathcart

Inscription: 15 Aug 1893 - 23 Oct 1893

(son of Andrew B. and J. E. Cathcart)



Hugh Barkley

Inscription: Hugh Barkley, b. 1 Jan. 1787, d. 19 Sept. 1836




Margaret R. Blain

Inscription: Margaret R. Blain
daughter of
Andrew & Jeanett Blain,
Born April 21, 1834
Died Sept.11, 1905
"She doth rest from her labours and her works do follow her."

Sister of Sarah Lucinda Blain.  Also, this is the only place I've seen Jane Sterling (wife of Andrew Blain) listed as Jeanett



Sumter B.  Crawford & Carrie Shell

Inscription: S. B. Crawford,
Apr. 16,  1861 - Dec. 13 1923

His Wife
Carrie Shell
Jan. 9, 1870 - Dec. 27, 1906

Photo of both

Sumter's mother



