William & Mary Cathcart
William Cathcart is another one of our "Patriarch Cathcarts." Records
indicate that he came from Scotland or the northern part of Ireland, and that at
least some of his children passed through
North Carolina, and eventually settled in the northern/central part of
South Carolina (primarily York County).
Two of William and Mary's sons account for the vast
majority of the known descendants of this family:
- John & Mary Boulger Cathcart (1763-1834)
- John's descendants moved from South Carolina
to Indiana, Louisiana, and Mississippi
- Hugh Cathcart, Sr., (1765 - 1808), son of William
and Mary, had many descendants settled in the area around Rock Hill, and
are buried in the Ebenezer Presbyterian Cemetery there.
- Much of Hugh's family stayed in the
York County area of South Carolina
- One of his granddaughters was married by a
preacher who has connections to my own line of Cathcarts
Interestingly, there is a possible connection
between Hugh's line with yet another Cathcart group... the one that starts with
William Cathcart, who married Rachel Neely.
- William Cathcart's grandson, Joseph Harvey Cathcart, Jr.'s first wife,
Sarah Anne Garrison (1834 – 1873) is buried at that same
Ebenezer Presbyterian Cemetery.
- Joseph's father and a long list of his ancestors left the
York County South Carolina area and settled in Texas. The connection
to the Garrison line probably indicates that this line is also
connected with the William and Mary line.
Other Information
Discussion of Cathcarts who appear
in the 1810 census for York County, South Carolina
- I had initially thought that the Cathcarts
listed in the census for York County — Joseph Cathcart, Sr., Hugh
Cathcart, and Joseph Cathcart (presumably,, this is Joseph Cathcart,
Jr.) — were descendants of William and Mary. A closer look at
the data, however, makes it unlikely that this is the case.
Click here for more discussion on who
William might fit into earlier Cathcart generations.