Baronies Map of County Antrim, Ireland
1. Antrim Lower
2. Antrim Upper
3. Ards Lower
4. Ards Upper
5. Armagh
6. Belfast Lower
7. Belfast Upper
8. Cary
9. Castlereagh Lower
10. Castlereagh Upper
11. Clanawley
12. Clankelly
13. Clogher
14. Coleraine
15. Coleraine, North East, Liberties of
16. Coole
17. Dufferin
18. Dungannon Lower
19. Dungannon Middle
20. Dungannon Upper
22. Dunluce Upper
23. Fews Lower
24. Fews Upper
25. Glenarm Lower
26. Glenarm Upper
27. Iveagh Lower, Lower Half
28. Iveagh Lower, Upper Half
29. Iveagh Upper, Lower Half
30. Iveagh Upper, Upper Half
31. Keenaght
32. Kilconway
33. Kinelarty
34. Knockninny
35. Lecale Lower
36. Lecale Upper
37. Liberties of Londonderry
38. Loughinsholin
39. Lurg
40. Magheraboy
41. Magherastephana
42. Massereene Lower
43. Massereene Upper
44. Mourne
45. Newry, Lordship of
46. Omagh East
47. Omagh West
48. Oneilland East
49. Oneilland West
50. Orior Lower
51. Orrior Upper
52. Strabane Lower
53. Strabane Upper
54. Tiranny
55. Tirkeeran
56. Tirkennedy
57. Toome Lower
58. Toome Upper
59. Carrickfergus
a modified version of this page from the PRONI website